The Malaysian chapter of the Green Project Management (GPM) Awards hosted a gala on 11 January 2023, which witnessed the continuous impact of sustainable recognition and connectivity. The Sustainability Impact Forum in Conjunction with the Malaysia Sustainability Awards 2022 event organised by the Sustainable Business Network Association Malaysia (SustNET), was held at the Bukit Kiara Equestrian and Country Resort, in Kuala Lumpur. The Malaysia GPM Sustainability Awards was pioneered by Ts. Dr. Norsaidatul Akmar Mazelan, in the year 2015, as the CEO of Think Plus Group of Companies which focused on human resource consultancy, talent management, manpower recruitment, skills and competency development, project implementation and international trade business. Dr Norsaidatul, as a strong advocate of sustainable practices with wide experience in these areas, has helped provided the platform to connect people of various fields, interests, age groups and capacities to champion a landscape of GPM locally and abroad, for current and future needs. This was evident in the starting sharing sessions from five notable and experienced GPM speakers, on Environmental, social and governance (ESG) based topics which focused on sustainable and ethical impacts. The following ESG topics touch on were:
ESG Strategy – Reflection of New Transformation (Mr. Steven Lee, President of ESG Malaysia)
"Tackling the Issue of Transparency in ESG Investment"
(Mr. Rudy Fang, "Central Asia and South East Asia Business Community (CASEA-BC), Singapore")
"Driving Sustainability Tourism for Malaysia Excellence" (En. Muzammil Madzuki, Consultant & Facilitator, SustNET)
"The New Currency - Environmental Impact of Energy, Water, Air, Carbon" (Dr Nicole Szeto, CEO of Newton Technology Group)
"Sustainability Awards 2022 - Sustainability Role Model" (Ir Ts Hisham Yahaya, Chairman of Malaysia GPM Sustainability Awards 2022)
Recognition was also given to the role of women in upholding Global Islamic Economy through the soft launch of the Book "Contribution of Women in the Global Islamic Economy” by YM Raja Puan Sri Dato’ Noora Ashikin Binti Raja Abdullah. The book is a stage of recognition for women’s potential in sustainable socioeconomic growth, in developing countries like Malaysia-Indonesia that acts as model of inspiration for youths to better prepare and adapt to the challenges posed by climate change, and 21st century trends.
The voice of sustainability was further strengthened from the support of HRH Tengku Amir Shah ibni Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah, The Patron for the Malaysia GPM Sustainability Award. His hopes and aspiration for the continued performance in upholding sustainability was reflected in his speech conveyed by his representative, YM Tunku Mohamed Alauddin Tunku Naquiyuddin, entitled "Sustainability Values & Impact - The Game Changer for the Industry".
This was followed by the highlight of the event, the Certificate-giving ceremony. In this ceremony, recognition was given to the learning institutions, state bodies, local municipality bodies, companies and NGOs, as well as the hidden of gems of sustainability from the PWDs, as well as the Orang Asli and island communities, for their efforts in inculcating GPM within their communities, and most importantly, for the expansion of sustainable potential and culture to the surrounding public through collaborative connected efforts too. It is hoped that the recognition given will inspire the ‘global’ growth of a sustainable and smart culture, as well as attract the involvement of more champions of sustainability .
The following session, involved the sharing of select innovative stories of sustainability services and products from learning institutions, companies which further provided evidence to the promising integrated application of GPM that would contribute to sustainable socioeconomic development and the opening of platforms of opportunities for the halal industry and reward system. They were provided by:
My Healthy Garden & Junior Health Ambassador (Tuan Haji Syed Nasir bin Sayed Mahadi, District Education Head, Perak District Education Department for Larut Matang and Selama)
Blueprint SmartGreen POLYCC (LAr Rohaniah Mohd Nor, Green Project Manager, Department of Polytechnic and College Community, Ministry of Higher Education
Global Halal Logistic Omni Channel (Ms Amanda A Atan, One Vibes Vending Machine and One Halal Nation, Singapore)
The Implementation of time bank to support community engagements (Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr. Normi Sham Bt. Awang Abu Bakar, International Islamic University Malaysia)
This was followed by a networking session which provided the ‘action-discussion’ stage much needed - giving aspiration, a directed plan of action.
Indeed, these efforts are in in line with the endorsement of the 2030 United Nation (UN) agenda on Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015, placing Malaysia on par with the world community’s commitment to Sustainable Development – spelling a change of potential for developing and under-developed countries.
At the heart of the 2030 Agenda are five critical dimensions: people, prosperity, planet, partnership and peace, also known as the 5Ps. It encourages us to take bold and transformative steps that help shape socio-economic development - shifting the world onto a sustainable and robust path.

Photo: MOU collaboration with Pertubuhan Wanita Lestari MY Coffee Cinta Group Miss Farida Aman (left) and Head of Publicity SRCC PUBLICITY Puan Suraya Rahman (right) together with Sec. Gen. SustNet Y.Bhg Dr Norsaidatul Akmar (Centre) for smart collaboration Program Salam Lestari MY
Dr Norsaidatul, is the backbone of this grand endeavor. As a driver and champion of the integration of Sustainable Development Goals, which are translated into business practices. This consists of a long-term, integrated approach in developing and achieving a healthy and highly-capable community by jointly addressing economic, environmental and social issues and by providing a holistic support platform for the sustainable agenda of the business community.
The Green Project Management® (GPM®) established the Sustainability Awards programme is dedicated in showcasing the contribution and impact of individuals and projects. This has provided much needed recognition towards the advancement of sustainable development though the implementation of sustainable (green) project management practices. It provides recognition practical application of sustainability in change initiatives to address issues of social and environmental degradation as a result of economic prosperity.
The program represents the achievement in sustainability across all continents of the globe and through a network of training partners encompassing around 145 countries. In 2015 GPM Global (USA) and Think Plus Consulting Sdn Bhd had introduced a Malaysian version of sustainability awards - making Malaysia the first country in the world to do so.
In establishing this future ecosystem, Dr Norsaidatul envisions that the strategic partnership initiated within Malaysia globally, as well as across disciplines and services, shall bring the right platform for mutual platforms in transforming the community towards a sustainable society, environment and economy.
Hence, the involvement and investment of countries like Africa, Singapore, Indonesia, as well as the Middle Eastern countries in being a part of SustNet and GPM Awards is an SDG-tailored investment is a move that is crucial and timely, during these pandemic and nature-disaster period. It impacts the development of the region’s human capital and people and future generation. It is the vehicle of sustainable socio-economic change that will give voice to the urgency, magnitude, and complexity of ‘global challenges faced amidst the post-pandemic era.
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